
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Heidi's new babies to the homestead

 My excited friend Heidi is one thrilled new grandma to 4 new baby boy goats. She actually played the part of a nervous father. Any little movement or out of character action and she was out there. She even set up a cot in the barn at one point when she thought Lilly was going into labor.  She was luck enough to be out there when Lilly gave birth. It was real cool to hear the wonder and excitement in her voice when she called me.  She still has the barn cam up so she can keep an eye on them. These are the first baby goats born to the homestead and they couldn't ask for a better place to live. We will be going for a visit soon. Just not soon enough. I can't wait to hold them and play with them. Lilly is a great mom and the babies are so cute.


  1. Awe, thanks for sharing Michelle. I can hardly wait to have you here to bottle feed them with me. Mommy is trying her best, but they're growing fast and so we are supplementing their diet with a few bottles. I need more hands! See ya Saturday!

  2. Oh I love this and wish I could be there with ya'll!

  3. I still can't get over how cute they are, and four of them! She's going to have her hands full.

  4. Hi Michele! Oh, what darling little babies!! I'd help if I were with you - I'd give bottles but I ain't changin' no bum bums! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  5. Hi Michele,
    This is such a cute post. I just wanted to stop by and let you know I have you in the drawing on my giveaway. You are a no reply blogger so I had no way to contact you back if you win so if you could send me your email so if you win I can get in contact with you. Thanks for your support of my blog and your sweet comments always. Have a great evening.

  6. Awesome and 4 babies, wow! Fun, fun and more fun for Heidi! Love watching babies grow, never gets old ot me>
