
Thursday, April 3, 2014

My favorite Cinnamon Roll Recipe

 Cinnamon Roll Recipe :
1  3 oz box Cook and Serve vanilla pudding or instant vanilla pudding
2 cups milk
½ cup butter
2 packages dry yeast (4 ½ t)
2 t sugar
½ cup warm water
2 eggs, beaten
½ t salt
1 T vegetable oil
6 cups bread flour
In a medium saucepan, cook the pudding according to package directions. Add butter and let set until lukewarm and butter is melted. If using the instant pudding let it come to room temp then add the melted butter. In a small bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water (115-120°) until foamy. With a Kitchen Aid mixer, add to the mixing bowl the eggs, salt, oil, yeast mixture and the pudding and mix on low speed. Gradually add in 6 cups of flour, one cup at a time stirring between each addition to make a soft and sticky dough. Turn mixer up to medium speed if needed once more flour is added. Place on a floured surface and knead for 3 minutes. Grease a large bowl and place the dough and cover with a towel. Let rise 45 minutes in a warm place. After dough rises, place back on a floured surface. Using a rolling pen, roll out into a rectangular shape. Spread the filling on top the dough and roll up starting at the long end. Using a sharp knife, cut into 12 rolls, about ¾” thick each. Place in a greased 9 x 13 pan and let rise another 45 minutes. Bake in a 350° for 15-20 minutes or more, depending on your oven. Tops of rolls will be lightly brown. Frost with cream cheese frosting once rolls are slightly cool. Filling:
1 cup butter
2 cups packed brown sugar
⅓ cup cinnamon
In a medium size mixing bowl, cream the butter with an electric mixer.  Add in brown sugar and cinnamon and mix till all combined.
Cream Cheese Frosting
8 oz block of cream cheese, softened
1 stick of butter (½ cup)
4 cups powdered sugar
2 t vanilla extract
1 cups pecans or walnuts

In a large mixing bowl, using an electric mixer, beat the softened cream cheese and butter till combined.  Add powdered sugar, one cup at a time and the vanilla.  Mix till all powdered sugar is blended well.  Using a spatula, stir in the nuts. Frost cinnamon rolls.

This recipe came from the Joey and Rory Show. I did change the pudding from vanilla to cheese cake. It gives it a great favor ,without taste like  cheese cake. I also just put a simple glaze on mine. These freeze beautiful. One little problem. If you don't freeze some, don't expect there to be some left for the next day.

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