
Monday, March 31, 2014

My new Hoosier

 I haven't been yard saleing in over a year and a half . But for some reason I wanted to go this weekend. There won't many out there, so we decided to go have breakfast after one last stop. While we were there we heard people taking about Willow Spring Road yard sale. My husband decided to try up in that area and that where we found my Hoosier. I believe if we hadn't heard them talking we would of just went to breakfast. This is one of the reasons I believe the Lord had a hand in my getting my dream of owning a Hoosier. The other is that I don't yard sale any longer because (1) My husband doesn't like to go, but he was all for it this time. (2) I have to much stuff already.  Everything worked in our favor. The Hoosier was in perfect condition, the price was fantastic and the lady was nice enough to take 300 in cash( that's all the bank machine would let us take out.) and 250 in a check. Most people don't take checks. It even fit perfectly between the two door in the den. I truly have the Lord to thank for my Hoosier. 


  1. Oh, my goodness! She's a beauty! I think you got a great deal and especially since she's in such great shape. I really like the way the doors slide together! Now poke stuff all in her and do another post and show me! ;) Yes, I do believe the Lord does these kinds of things for us. He does know the desires of our hearts and He wants to bless His children!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. I do believe you are right! I am thankful that you have your dream hoosier too! It is beautiful!

  3. You certainly got a beautiful piece. Congratulations! Can't wait to see it full of kitchen goodies.

  4. I am so jealous. I had a painted one once and had to sell it. I regret that a lot.

  5. Beautiful! I bought a Hoosier several years ago and love it, but I don't have all the cool inserts that you do. It really is the perfect baking center though. Spices up top; pans on the bottom. Enjoy!

  6. Beautiful! The Lord even cares about the little things His children want!

  7. It's gorgeous!! I recently saw one for $450 and thought that was a good deal, so you did really well. (I didn't buy it as I don't have room in the kitchen).
