
Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Friendship Apron

I will be posting tomorrow about the Super Bowl since it's late. But I couldn't wait to post about my apron Heidi made me. I LOVE IT! She brought it by last night.  I wore it today. But didn't think about taking a picture till now. Since I am dressed for bed I had my daughter pose for me. You can see how thrilled she was. (not)  Thrilled or not.I think she looks cute.

 This is the reversed side of the apron. Two for the price of one.   Did I say I LOVED this Apron.. Just making sure.  Heidi is one great seamstress. And tonight she informed me she is making me another one. I don't know how I got so lucky ,but I am not complaining.


  1. You're right, Tiffany does not look happy to be modeling your apron, but I agree she does look too cute. She's such a beautiful girl. She looks alot like her Mama. BTW- I will be making the next apron for your Hubby so he leaves yours alone. Thanks for an awesome Super Bowl party. Your pot stickers were yummy.

  2. Practical and pretty; what a wonderful gift!

  3. What a thoughtful gift! Love that apron!

  4. I love that you can reverse that apron. Very nice!

  5. Very pretty and I like the pockets!

  6. What a sweetie Heidi is! Love your new reversible apron, how fun!

  7. Good Morning. I wanted you to know that I love your blog and have awarded you the
    Versatile Blogger award! You can go over to my site, Moving On To The Past, to receive your award. Thank you again.

  8. Oh My Michelle, I am here to give you The Versatile Blogger Award because I love your blog. Please come by
    To pick up your award...
    I see right before me in comment that you have been given that award before!

  9. Hi I wanted to thank you for becoming a follower and I just became your follower also. FYI, there was a problem when I clicked on your name and went to Linky to follow your blog! For some reason there it says 'a' littlepieceofheaven; adding the a sent me to google search. I just played around with it until I found you. : )
