
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Bowl and my daughter

 My daughter and her boyfriend came over the other day. It was so good to see her. Now that she is working again I see her a lot less.  Hopefully she will be here for the Super Bowl. She is still waiting  to get her schedule, to see if she can. The Super Bowl is a big deal in this house. We always have a big get together with Heidi and our friends.  Everyone has a great time. This year I was a little worried that we wouldn't have it. My husband has been working in Vegas for the past two weeks. We weren't sure if he would make it home in time. They had thought about keeping them for a few more days of flying. He just called he is on his way home. I can't wait to see him. I missed my baby so much. I know I just visited him in Vegas.But it's not the same as having him home.  I can't wait. Now all I need is my daughter to call and say she will be here for Super Bowl and everything will be perfect. Every one always beings something to eat. I am making Dottie's Coconut Pies for the party. Along with Southwest Rolls and Gumbo. So I had better get off the computer and get started. I have to at least have the pies done today.  Hope you all have a great weekend. 


  1. Trisha looks so sweet. Buttercup seems to be enjoying her company too. I hope she makes it out to your place tomorrow. Have a GREAT game day. Go GIANTS!

  2. Ooohhh, you are going to LOVE the coconut pies! I hope your daughter gets to make it for the party! :) Have fun tomorrow!

  3. Michelle,
    Sounds like you always have a fun party, so, have fun tomorrow, hope your team wins!

  4. Super Bowl is typically at another person's house for my hubby. However, today, my daughter's voice and piano teacher is holding a recital. She does promise it will be over quick, so folks can watch the game.

  5. sounds like everything came together for you!!!!
    We went to a friends house and I spent the whole time talking and eating way took much unhealthy food!
