
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you to Dolly Is Cooking, Randee Organized Chaos, and Moving On To The Past. For this award.  I love reading these sites. I have learned so much from all of them. Dolly has a lot of great recipes. I know because I have tried a lot of them. Randee Organized Chaos has a lot of great craft Ideas. She just did a wonderful post on great party ideas. I can't wait to see what she does for Valentines.   If you quilt or want to persevere your own food  Moving on to the Past is a web site for you.I have learned so much from her.

Here are the RULES for the Versatile Blogger Award-

1. Add the award to your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
3. Mention seven random things about yourself.  (see below)
4. List the rules.
5. Award to 15 bloggers.
6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven thing about myself
1 I am a retired Military wife.
2 I have been to 7 different countries and 49 States.
3I can't spell to save my life.
4Only God comes before my family
5My friends are very important to me
6I love  reading , quilting,camping, and fishing
7We hope to have 5 acres and our own little farm one day.


I have so many favorite. So this  list is just a few of them .
1 Mennonite Girls Can Cook. They have great recipes.
2 e-i-e-i-omg. I just enjoy reading this site.
3White Wolf Summit Farmgirl. Anything to do with plants ( of any kind) and gardening, this girl knows. There is not a question she can't answer. She is always ready to help other.
4Walnut & Vine. A really cute site. A joy to read.
5Simplify,Live,Love. She comes up with things I would never think of. Like freezing Avocados.
6Tabby Cat Club. I am a cat person. I can't get enough of her blog.
7The Morris Tribe. If your a homesteader check her out.
8Amish Stories. I love reading about the Amish. There are also great Amish recipes.
9 Cattle and Cupcake. I enjoy reading her post.Has a lot of great post.
10 A Cozy Cottage in the City. Just a beautiful blog.

Congrats to the other bloggers I follow who won this award.


  1. Congratulations Michelle! You deserve it girl!! :)

  2. Congratulations Michelle!
    I saw the nominations rolling in for a few days without a reply and I was worried about you. I know your Hubby's back home and you had to work AFTER that huge Superbowl Party, so I knew you were busy. I am glad you're up to blogging. After all that food you prepared Sunday, I would have been exhausted.Have a good night.

  3. Congratulations on the Versatile Blogger Award! Just stopping by from the Linky Party Hop. I hope you will visit and follow back.

