
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Processed meat birds today.

My friend Debbie , Amy, My husband Rick and I processed 31 birds in 3 and half hours. Which was really good since I had only done a couple of birds before and This was Rick's first time.
 we call the Debbie the chicken lady. She is a great chicken doctor as well as a great teacher. I learned so much from her today. We brought home 11 of the birds to finish up the detail work and get into Vacuum Seal bags. We only got three done before my husband had to go to work. So I now have 8 birds in bread bags sitting in my frig till tomorrow. To tired to finish then up to night . Between chickens , weeding and running errands I am pooped.
I learned so much today and all thou it was bloody and still managed to enjoy spending time together. One draw back is the fact that after two showers and repeated hand washing I can still smell the birds on my hands. I think it soaked into my pores. Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow.


  1. You have done something that I wish I could bring myself to do. I'm proud of you and hope the smell goes away tomorrow. Great job!

  2. Thanks Dolly. It is all new to me. We are also raising pigs, but those are going to the butcher.

  3. We're going to do this soon. You really did well to process so many in so little time. Good luck with the smell. Maybe you should use Lava or some other strong soap.

  4. We still take ours to a butchery, but my grandparents butchered their own. Some day....we might do it.

  5. I saw you on somebodies blog list and dropped by for a visit. 31 in 3.5 hours is an impressive time! The last time we did chickens, my husband and I were pleased to do 6 in just a couple of hours. Looks like we still have room for improvement, LOL
