
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Just to catch up.

Hi everyone.
These pass two months have been busy ones for me, so I haven't posted as much as I should. The garden has keep me pretty busy as well as animals this year. Add into that two small trips and one big one and I seem to run out of time.

Here is just a small list of things going on. I won't bore you with everything ,but you will get the idea.

I made two wonderful trips to Heidi's ( need to go back, MISS HER and her babies.)

Drove 10 hours to tour a Bio-intensity farm (with Debbie and Rich )

Went to my sister-in-laws wedding in Idaho.( Will be going back in July.)

Made laundry soap, dish soap, and goats milk soap.

Learned how to made dehydrated meals.
Dehydrated onions, garlic, spices, Zucchini, and oranges so far.

Picked cherries ( 14 pounds) and made pie fillings for the freezer and cherry syrup.

Harvested some of my garden.
weeded both side and raise bed garden. Had to put up deer fencing around both.
Made a rug, quilt, and needle work for friends.
Remodeling and painting.
Then there is the every day stuff, cooking, cleaning, wash, and a course entertaining the husband .


  1. Looks great! We have only gotten some broccoli so far. Oh, and peas. I have one zucchini on one so far, about 2 inches long.

  2. Lovely harvest! I like the home made soap, but it's not easy to find the stuff here.
    Have a wonderful week!
