
Thursday, August 1, 2013

I won't want to be this chicken !


  1. Hi Michele! Oh, my goodness what a huge egg! That's not a chicken egg is it? Thanks for popping in to see me and I hope you'll like the recipe, we sure do.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Yes it is. This is the second huge egg we have gotten. The last one had three yolks.

  3. Dang! We have the opposite problem. We get a tiny little egg every now and then. Smaller than the banty eggs. I used to swear it was a reptile egg. But that's because one was soft. My husband planned to eat it. "It'll harden up in cold water." Uh uh. I threw it off the back porch.

  4. I wonder if it would hatch? I've seen twins but not triplets hatch out. That is an awfully huge egg.

  5. Maybe, It will be a huge chicken... So wonderful...
