
Saturday, August 3, 2013

August Garden Photos

 Sorry the pictures aren't that good . I wanted to get this posted before we headed out today.
 Beans are starting to climb. I got them in a little late this year.

 Hot pepper plant and a few tomatoes. The heat has been really hard on them.

 How do you know when the cabbage is done growing?

 Zucchini is doing great this year. Finally found a bug spray that worked.
 My onions are really getting big this year.
  My cat got the squirrel or gopher ( no sure which) before it could get all my potatoes.

 Poor tomatoes! The weather is killing them.
 Pulled and canned most of my carrots. I planted another batch.
Strawberries are small, but sweet this year.


  1. I really like your raised beds. This summer weather has ruined so many gardens this year. But there's always next year!

  2. Your cabbage path was doing well. Good job...
