
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Love this dog

This is the dog I want. I was told it's a toy poodle. It looks like an Ewok to me. I think it's so cute!  It's little enough to take with us on trips. I saw it at the swap meet in Vegas . I got to play and hold it. I just fell in love with it. I showed my girls the picture. They were not impressed. They informed me Sabrina would eat it. It would make a nice snack for her.


  1. I'm not sure a dog that cute should be legal! What a cute puppy! And Ewok would be a perfect name! :)

  2. O how precious! Just love her, what a cutie pie!

  3. Aww it's so cute! My 12yo son wants a little dog he can carry around. He likes the big ones, but he really wants a little one.

  4. Ahhh! This puppy is adorable!!! It looks a lot like our dog when he was a puppy...without the bow! Thanks for all the comments you leave on my blog, I love it. I've been trying to check you out a couple times, but it always came up as "unfound"... I finally clued in there's been an extra p in your blog address when you comment on my blog! Glad I found you, I'll follow you back on linky followers!
