
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Finally finished my apron

 I made this apron for a apron challenge on one of the blogs. But now I can't remember what blog it was. Don't you just hate losing your memory.  The good news is my friend Miriam is going to love this.  She can tie it at the sides or just throw it over her head. The next apron I am trying is a jean one. Wish me luck.


  1. I love it great job ! My mum always wore aprons or as they call them in England pinny's ! Have a good day !

  2. Love it! I made an apron from a pair of my husband's old jeans and I love it!!

  3. Wow Michelle! It's really cute. Great job.

  4. Love it!!! I love aprons!! I have several.. and I love the style of the one above! :)

  5. It turned out great, love the color! :)

  6. I came over from the Friday Farmgirl Hop. I'm always on the lookout for a good apron! Yours looks like it's ready to git 'r done! lol And incidentally I'm hosting an apron challenge over at Willow Homestead... :) Here's February

  7. Love your new apron! Miriam will be very pleased with it. How fortunate she is to have a friend like you. Love the pockets and the fact that it ties on each side. Great Blog!

  8. The new apron looks lovely! Well done:)

  9. Hi Michelle, it is a lovely apron. Bright & cheeful. I'm not of the "sewing minded", although I have made some curtains. Maybe because I don't have a home base for my sewing machine, and it must be set up and taken down because I use the kitchen table. I've been thinking lately I might finish up the curtains I made for my son before he moves out...LOL.....Thanks for stopping by my kitchy is coming along, and it is such a joy.

  10. Michelle, I really like that apron. The fabric is so pretty, so bright and cheery and it looks very functional...

  11. My grandmother had one very similar to that one and she just loved it! I always remember it hanging in the kitchen waiting for her to throw it over her head and start some pies, cookies, sticky buns and tapioca pudding! yum!!!!

  12. That so nice and like the colors did you buy a pattern for that if so do you mind sharing? I like the style alot I'm going to read on your blog more..
