
Sunday, August 19, 2012

I am way to over protective.

I now know I am way to overly protective of my animals ( especially cats.) I may need rehab after what I did the other night. First let me say I am always worried about owls,dogs, or raccoon getting my animals. If they sneeze I want to take them to the vet. Just kidding about the sneeze . But I do worry a lot.  Before I start this story you are not allowed to laugh.
I was a curled up in my bed sleeping so well. Where I was woke up by a very loud cat fight. My heart flew to my throat. The bleed rush to my head. BUTTERCUP  screamed thru my mind. A cat was killing my baby. I jump out of bed  at top speed. Ran  to the bathroom, grabbed my husbands robe . Threw it on as I ran down the stairs and out the door. I barely missed stepping on  my poor dogs gut.
I run down the street  robe and hair flying behind me.  I am yelling buttercup's name like she would just stop and walk up to me. I could see the cats, but just barely. Fear took hold of me as both cats started to take off further down the street. I am imagining my cat all torn up and I can't help her. As I turn the corner of the street I am yelling Buttercup's name at the top of my lungs. Finally I am able to get a look at the cats as they run away from the crazy lady. Neither one was Buttercup. I am almost in tears I am so relieved. As I stand there to catch my breath. I look up to see people on their front porch. I can only imagine what they were thinking of this crazed woman in a green bathrobe chasing cats down the street in the middle of the night. I  politely  apologized  and wished them a good night. With my tail between my legs I returned home. As I walk into my house I look over at my husbands chair. There rolled up into a nice comfortable position is no other than Buttercup. What time does rehab start?


  1. I am not laughing at you, I am laughing at me. Something similar happened to me, but I live in the country. So I woke up our dogs, so they atarted barking. This made the nearby dogs atart barking, pretty soon I heard lots of dogs barking all over the country side. Next door neighbors are a little further apart here, so they don't know that it was me. They just know that something woke up their dogs. Guess that I need to start rehab with you.

    1. Wish I was that lucky. I'll let you know when rehab starts .

  2. Okay (snicker) I'm not laughing (tee-hee). Really, I'm not laughing (Ha-Ha-Ha)!
    I'm glad Buttercup was safe and sound in the house! :)

    1. NOOOO your not laughing why would I think that.

  3. LOL great story! Thanks for stopping by my site. I'm following back :)

  4. Funny! I get it though! If I hear coyotes I'm looking around for the cats!

  5. A very sweet, and funny story, that made my day. We can never be to over protective of our 'furry kids' and nothing wrong with that!
