
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Home grown corn finally.

 I am so happy! My corn did great  this year. Last year it didn't do to well.  We planted them in our raised beds and way to close together. So the corn was never able to get enough sun for the cobs to grow. This year we planted them right into the ground and farther apart. Some were still a little to close together, so the cobs were small. But I had planed to store some for the chickens. So it worked out. But I will be leaving more space next year.

Don't they look good. We had these for dinner and they were so sweet and buttery . I am blanching and freezing my last batch today.  I was able to store enough corn for most of the winter and about 40 small cobs for my chickens.

I am letting the stock turn brown and dry out before pulling them up. They will make great decorations for the front of my porch this fall. I will have one upset cat when I finally pull them up. She loves laying in the corn field. It provides her a cool and safe nap space. In less I forget to check for her before turning on the water. Then I scare the #### out of her.


  1. Your corn looks GREAT!! That is funny about turning the sprinkler on when the cat is napping! :)

    1. I had to laugh myself when it happened. But Buttercup didn't think it was funny at all. Especial after the third time. LOL

  2. Looks YUMMY ! Glad you had a good crop this year . Lots of the corn farmers here lost a lot of their crops due to the drought we had . We have bunnies that hide in our flower gardens , we don't know they are there till I spray the gardens with water , makes for a fun game of chase for our Miggy ! Have a great day !

    1. The drought has caused a lot of damage. Did the bunnies find a new home or did they return to the garden?

  3. Your corn looks AWESOME Michelle. I am very proud of you.

    1. Thanks Heidi, I am really happy with my side garden. Rick finally put up the fishing line fence around our raised beds, so we are starting to get tomatoes for us instead of the deer

  4. I found out that the deer don't care for squash. When our fishing line finally broke I forgot to put it back up right away. There was no damage except for a hoof print. Glad your corn came through ok, the raccoons tear it to pieces here so we don't even try.
