
Saturday, April 21, 2012

we're hunting squirrel

For the last two weeks I have been missing eggs. I set one on the feed bucket and forgot to grab it. When I went back to get it, is was gone. Maybe I forgot and brought it in. Then Rick saw one in the dirt. When he went to get it, it wasn't there. We had thought it was probably a dog or cat. To make a long story short it's a squirrel. He had dug a hole under the dog run close to the coop. It was so close to the coop that we didn't notice it.  I was beginning to think my hens had pretty much stop laying.Until tonight when we found his tracks in the dog run. So tomorrow we are going hunting. Any body for squirrel stew?


  1. Oh golly. Hope you get the little booger.

  2. I didn't know squirrels liked eggs. Maybe my new pup was falsely accused. She didn't help matters by carrying an egg in her mouth to a comfortable spot in the yard, then chomping it to get at her treat. The woods by our chicken coop are crawling with squirrels this year. The dogs can't keep up with them. Maybe the pup took it away from a squirrel. That's my new story for my husband.

  3. Hope you got him!! Thanks for stopping by my blog & your sweet comment about my shabby chic banner. It was lovely to hear from you!

  4. Your post was funny, and I do hope that you get him!!
