
Friday, April 20, 2012

I am so Blessed

I am so thankful for Heidi  She has done so much for me. My garden wouldn't be half as good if she wasn't there to guide me. She is the one to push me to try new things. That's how I came to blogging. I have loved meeting all of you and learning new things. But I digress . Heidi showed just how much she cared lost night. 
For some reason yesterday I felt I was still 21. So I tried lifting a 60 pound bag of dirt. Big, Big, mistake. I soon learned I was not 21 but 52. Not only was it heavy ,but I twisted my back. You talk about pain. I had it. I came home and got on a heating pad. Luckily I still had Vicodin from my husband surgery. Between the pills and the heating pad I felt so much better. Heidi was kind enough to take me out to dinner so I didn't have to cook. I felt better( not perfect but better.) so I was happy to go. I felt fine while sitting in the restaurant eating and visiting with Heidi. It wasn't until I got up to leave that everything went wrong. As soon as I stood up,a sharp pain went up my back and down my legs. I thought I would fall to the floor. Heidi helped me out of the restaurant and into her  car. When we got to my house she not only help me in the house,but she got me settled on the sofa with a heating pad , TV controller, and a fresh hot cup of coffee. Then bless her heart, she went out and closed up my plastic covering to protect my plants and put my chickens to bed.She checked on me later that night and again this morning. Heidi was definitely my Thursday Blessing. I am so bless to have her.


  1. That is a precious person in your life! Your are truly blessed.

  2. She thinks very highly of you Michelle she has told me so. I agree with you having never personally met Heidi I still know she is a true friend. She is pretty special! There again I think you are pretty special too! I hope you are much better soon.

  3. I am blessed to have you too Michelle. I love you my dear. You're the best BFF in the whole wide world... You better be typing this post resting safely on the couch. No more washing dishes today. You are a naughty patient. I hope Rick doesn't have to tie you to the bed to make you rest your back...

  4. What a nice post! I'm so glad you and Heidi have each other for friends and I'm glad she was there to help you yesterday!!

  5. Hi Michelle - if you'll e-mail me at my gmail address - thistlecovefarms - I can talk to you about Russell's family, the ones who were burnt out. BTW, please consider re-saying "I had meds from an old injury, took them and they helped". The way you've said it now is hmmmmm...not so good. E-mail me and I'll tell you the "rest of the story". thanks!

  6. A wonderful friendship! I know about bad backs- they are terrible. Rest up and get well soon.

  7. michelle....will you email me please!!

  8. Aren't friends so amazing! Your cat, Maukie is so cute!
