
Thursday, March 29, 2012

I am blaming Heidi

  I am blaming Heidi because I have no one else to blame. And a course I am not blaming myself.  She has decided to raise chickens. I was excited for her. She has wanted to raise chickens for a while. So off to the feed store she went yesterday. She came home with the supplies and 12 chicks. They were really cute.
 She said I should get a few Americana's that they laid the Easter Eggs.    No thank you! I had my hands full with the ones I have. Plus my hen house is very small.  Heidi asked if I wanted to go with her to pick her's up today. I thought sure why not. That was the first mistake. Even if your positive you won't buy any thing. DON'T GO AROUND CUTE ANIMALS ! They have a ability to put a spell on you.I was fine till this cute little blond one came up to me.  She just step up onto my hand. I am not kidding you. My heart did a little flip flop.

                                                               This is the little heart breaker.   

 But I was safe ,I have 3 cats so I couldn't take her home. I got out of that one.
Heidi being the ever loving friend offered to raise  her till we could  put her with my hens safely. There was my second mistake. Never have a friend that is willing to help you out of a jam you want to be in. She said that if I didn't take it she would. My Bird! She wanted my bird! Third mistake possessiveness!  Ok, get the bird and get out before you end up buying more.  Heidi purchased her birds and we headed back to her house. I did buy one for my daughter. ( shown below)

 She fell in love with hers too. So you can now see how this is Heidi fault  right? Ya, I told you I wasn't taking the blame.


  1. HaHaHa,

    I just can't stop laughing. I love you woman! You crack me up. My hubby will die when he reads this one too. I told him today's brood was your fault.

  2. Same here- I always want all the chicks, ducks, turkey's,etc. every time I pass the tubs at Chick Days! I have a araucana that lays blue eggs!

  3. I can't go near them either, I want to bring them home too! I have Americaunas, they are gentle and have great personalities! My roosters are part Americauna, seems to take them longer to get mean, and don't seem to get as mean as other breeds, but still take care of their girls!

  4. ROFLOL! You know dad always said, "When you point your finger to blame someone else, you have three fingers pointing back at you!

  5. I have to go to the feed store today to get some mosquito dunks (can't.get.chicks.musn'!). I NEED some new chickens/chicks but it has to wait until late May -- otherwise not enough time to introduce them to the flock safely before we leave town. Now if I had a friend saying she would take care of them . . . .

  6. Hysterical --- we get our hearts trapped by the furry things!


  7. Why, of course it's all Heidi's fault! LOL!! :)

  8. oh my kids would fit right in at your place!! what fun it must be!
    thank you for your thoughts today. i appreciate our blogging friendship!
    happy Friday.

  9. Ha ha. So cute! The last chick -- is she an Americana? She looks like one of my chicks. And I am so confused about the proper way to spell that breed. I have seen it spelled Ameraucana too. I have two that are 4 weeks old. :o)

    I'm happy to find other chicken lovers out here.

  10. hahahahah! Love it Michelle! I can see where Heidi could get you into trouble! LOL! What a cute little chicky! You two need to stay out of the feed store!!! LOL! NOT!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This is hilarious! I blame my oldest daughter for all my animals! Recently we went to the feed store with her 3 year old, I said, "If you see Mommy and Mimi looking at chicks, you are to say, "No Mimi, no Mommy, no more chicks'" And that is exactly what she did!
