
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hades has frozen over!

  Hades has truly frozen over. I never thought I would live to see both cats in the same bed. Dusty is my little female God Father. Everything  has to be her way. If she wants the bed and buttercup is in it she will chase her out. Dusty even chases our dogs off their beds. And I have 2 big dogs.
We are also not immune to her getting her way. If I am on the phone and she wants me off she will push  her way in between the phone and my ear. Forget about reading, she will literary use her body to send it flying. So for her to share the cat bed with Buttercup was a real shock. Maybe the God Father is softening.  Ya, only in my dreams.
 Dusty is the grey one. You can see Diva written all over her face. Buttercup is just a sweet heart. As you can see from this picture my curtains are in their bed. Can anyone tell me why they do this.


  1. Cats are strange . Our Harley didnt go near our dog Miggy for almost two years of her life , we got Miggy as a pup and Harley was already 3 and by then it was Harley's place and no one elses. she was never mean to Miggy just ignored her , now oh my Harley layes all over Miggy gets her to play and they are the best of friends , Harley has a full set of claws and to this day has never clawed Miggy . Miggy is a medium size dog but stocky and is soo gentle with Harley ! As for your curtins being in their bed who knows , maybe using it as a blanket lol ! Great post and cute kittys , Have a good weekend !

  2. Lol. That is a shocker. I don't know about the curtains but I do know that Dusty rules the roost. I am happily surprised.

  3. She does look like a little princess! LOL!! No clue on the curtain thingy, cats are funny sometimes!

  4. Michelle,
    Aren't they just the funniest creatures! They all have their own personalities and act accordingly. We have 2 also and our "Queen", jenny rules the roost. Poor Jinx always lets her have her way.

  5. She does look like a little Diva, LOL!

  6. Hi Michelle, thanks for stopping over at my place...I never thought of posting the recipe for the bread..look for it, I'll try to get it in today, no later then tomarrow....the life of our animals...sleep,eat,what a
