
Sunday, May 10, 2015

The best part of Mothers Day

I woke up to coffee and breakfast smell waffling into my bedroom. My wonderful husband had made me breakfast. I also found flowers and a card on the table by my plate.
My twins came over after Church to make me cookies as well as take me out to dinner for Mothers day. They informed their dad he could come along too. This is when I realized that the card they gave me was so true.

My girls have a great seance of humor
I also received calls from my other two daughters. They live out of state. It was so good to hear from them.They both have family and are very busy so it meant a lot that they took the time on their own Mothers Day to just chat.  
Now for the best part . It wasn't the cards or flower. It wasn't the great restaurant or food. It's whats is going on right now as I write this. My girls are sitting on the couch watching Shaun the sheep on TV. It may not seem like much but to me it,s everything. It's been so long since we have been together just to watch  TV and enjoy each other company.  With their work and school, not to mention living out of town it seems like forever since we were able to take a step back in time to enjoy what it was like when they were young and lived at home. I miss those days. So I will cherish any time I get a little glimpse of when my girls were young. 


  1. I'm glad you had them and the fun. I too enjoyed mine and it was as if they were back home and young. Happy Mother's Day Michelle!

  2. What a fun mother's day you had. Your twins are so cute! Thanks for popping to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
