
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Bear is out again.

 Every year around this time ( the time she would of given birth ) Sabrina pulls out her little bear and treats it like a new puppy. Before we got her she had two litters of pups before the age of two. Which was way to early for a dog. We think this is why she does this every year. That or it may have been security for her since her old owner was very abusive to her.
She will put it up to her belly like she is feeding it. It gets at least two baths a day. Then when it's time to wing it, she will leave it on the dog bed downstairs on it's own for a while before getting it again. Then when it's time for the pup to be on it's own she will hide it. We won't see it again till next time. We have yet to find it after she has hidden it. 
 The only problem is she get very protective of it. We can handle the bear (even though she doesn't like it.) but if the cats get to close she goes after them. She has never hurt them ,just scares them off. But it is still a worry. She also doesn't like anyone not in the family near her or her pup ( bear). So just to be safe we warn everyone not to go near her, to let Sabrina come to them.  We have had her for 4 years now and still think it's cute every time she does it. She is a great little mother.