
Friday, August 22, 2014

My garden has out grown it's beds.

 Please ignore the weeds we were gone for a week . My girls were great about watering but as they say: Weeds are not in they vocabulary.

 My one Cantaloup  plant is really getting big. I have 6 cantaloup from the one plant. I also have one watermelon plant in the box. It did have three watermelons till a racoons stole  my biggest one. 
 Strawberries are  starting to slow down. We had to put netting over the box not just for the birds,but to try to keep them in the box.
 My pickle plant is getting out of hand. I am getting so many pickles that I am now giving them away.
 My poor tomato plant got so big that it broke its stakes and fell over.
 It still has plenty of tomatoes on it. Can't wait for them to ripen.
This is my Purple Kirn Tomato plant. As you can see it is also having problems standing up. The medal stakes seem to work better then the wood ones. Next year  I don't think I will be using wood stakes. 
 My Zucchini plant is gigantic. We are getting a great harvest off it.
This is what happens when the Zucchini decides to hide from you. We weighed it and it weighed 4 and 1/2 pounds. I will be using it for the seeds for next year. All three of my gardens did great this year. I hope they do as good next year.


  1. Wow... a huge zucchini! You makes me so jealous. As long, my zucchini become worse. Your tomato patches look so bountiful. Really nice garden with a great harvest.

  2. Oh my, that zucchini is ENORMOUS! Too funny! Great idea to use it for seeds, should prove to be very prolific next season. Great garden, ours fizzled in the heat but next Summer hopefully we'll have an earlier start and get a great harvest. Nice job!!
