
Monday, August 4, 2014

Homemade Dish Soap that works great with lots of bubbles.

 UPDATE: The glycerin was recently added to this recipe to make the bubbles last longer.  It works great .
WARNING: This is not totally homemade .

I found a homemade dish soap that worked great, only problem was no bubbles. I am a big bubbles girl. I know they don't do anything to help  clean the dishes.  But on those cold days,there is nothing better then sticking your hands into a hot sink full of bubbles.
I tested this dish soap for a week before posting it. I wanted to make sure it would work as well as the store bought. I am happy to say it does. ( I have now been using this recipe for two years.) Recipe originally posted  in 2012.

                                           My own bubbling dish soap
2 cups water
2 tablespoons of moisturizing shampoo ( I used VO5 that I got at the dollar store )
1 tablespoon Borax
1 tablespoon Baking Soda
1 tablespoon Vinegar
   6 to8 tablespoon Dawn dish soap.
 2 to3  squirt of glycerin

Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a spoon. Using a funnel  pour into a large empty dish soap bottle .
 The original recipe  calls for clear shampoo. I used moisturizing shampoo since I like the way it makes my hands feel. I added Dawn and glycerin to the recipe for my bubbles. You could probably use just 6 tablespoon of Dawn since it makes so many  bubbles.

Using 6 tables spoons of Dawn add 18.4 cents a bottle. Using 8 tablespoon adds 25 cents. Without the Dawn your dish soap will run about 10 cents a bottle.


  1. Thanks for sharing the idea. Actually I have never made home made soap before. That's so interesting.

  2. Awesome, thanks. We do use Dawn every day here. It's the only soap that gets male goat smell off your hands etc. I might try this soon.

  3. I just made this and have used it one time. I can tell you there are bubbles galore..It cuts grease and lasts a long time..great job Michelle.

  4. Doesn't make sense to add vinegar AND alkali (borax, baking soda) -- they counteract each other.
