
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Got our new pigs today

 Jim ,Debbie and I are raising pig together this year. We got to pick them up today. We were greeted with this cute sign.
 I was really impressed with how clean everything was. There was very little small at all especially with how any pigs he had. The picture shows how clean everything was.
 Poor Rick got the job of carrying them out.
 We transported them in dog carriers with hay.
 He had castrated them two hours before we picking them up. We sprayed them with Blu Kote hoping to ease their pain and stop the bleeding. Debbie volunteered to spray them since I had a wedding to go to and the spray tends to stain your hands blue for about a week. Blue hands at a wedding doesn't sound at all appealing.
They are now in their new home in Jim's barn with plenty room to run around. We are keeping them in  till they heal a little bit. We don't want to take a chance of them getting a infection.  So starts my new adventure in raising pigs. Wish me luck.

PS: I know they won't stay this way,but right now they are so cute.


  1. They will be growing up spoiled happy pigs in a wonderful barn. Very pleased to be invited to join this adventure.

  2. Oh, the little pigs are so cute! Poor little things, I hope they're not in pain. Good luck and congrats to you being a new piggy mommy! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
