
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It finally .feels like spring

 My raised bed are all planted and ready to go. My potatoes and strawberries are doing great. I also planted peas,carrots, green lions, bush beans, cucumbers,zucchini, tomatos, and baby watermelon.
 Rick got the fencing up for the peas and cucumbers. The only other things we have to do is fix the deer fencing and put in the new watering system.Then it's on to the side garden getting it tilled and ready to plant.
 It feels so good to be out in the yard again. I love this time of year other then the wind. But the weather is perfect not to hot and not to cold.
 I am so excited! This is the first year my Lilacs have bloomed. These have to be one of my favorite flowers.

They make everything smell so good. I won't be needing my Lilac candles this year.


  1. I love my lilac bush. Mmmmm! Smells so good.

  2. Beautiful! I love your beds and your lilacs.

  3. love your garden-beds.your house must be smell -with all the lilacs. i love lilac too.
    wish you a beautiful week,
