
Monday, February 10, 2014

First thing I want to do is apologias.

 I want to apologias to all my followers and blogs that I follow. I have drop the ball on blogging lately.  I got into a face book page called Farm Girl Chit Chat and spent what free time I had there. It was like that new toy you just couldn't put down.  I did my ten minutes in the corner and I am back now no need for further punishment.

 This week have been a busy one. I did several  new batches of soap. I had ordered new molds and couldn't wait to use them.

I am working on a quilt for Heidi's first grand baby.
We cured and smoked a lot of bacon. We also did salmon that we got from my husbands Dad .
We finished the Nativity we were making for the Church. I will be posting later on, on how we came to be making a Nativity in February. I am right now working on a crotchet rug. I am only at the cutting part be hope to have pictures soon.

That's about all for now . I am on my way to do some long over do reading of my blogger friends post. Have a great day everyone.


  1. I wish you lived nearby! Would love to watch you make soap and smoke the bacon. I have been so busy too! There are just not enough hours in the day. Will look you up on FB.

  2. I know what you mean, me too! I was wondering about the nativity when I saw it in the chat area!

  3. The Chit-Chat is a LOT of fun, it's kinda sucked me in too! LOL!!

  4. Your soap looks wonderful! Can't wait to see the quilt when you are finished!

  5. Sounds Like your a very busy and talented lady. I would Love to see your Facebook Page I'll look for it!! Thank You That soap looks Great!!
