
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Soap making recipe from Pinterest

This week I tried one of my soap recipes from my Pinterest account. I did double the recipe since it only made a small batch. I am really proud of my self . I have make it three week doing one project from my Pinterest each week. I know three weeks isn't much,but for my attention span this is good. Now if I can just stay on this roll.


  1. Yay for you Michelle! Soap making is fun, but be careful, it is addictive too.

  2. Very good! It is pretty too. I do want to learn to make soap.

  3. Good for you! The soap looks lovely! :)

  4. I started a soapmaking board on Pinterest but haven't gotten around to making soap. Where do you get your supplies?

  5. You can get molds and tools from Micheal's and Wal-Mart. The oils and goats milk from your local stores. I am lucky to have two great friend who has goats. So I have plenty of milk. There are also great on line stores. is a good one . I just bought 4 molds from them today. Their prices were very reasonable.

  6. I hope I am getting atleast one of those great looking bars? Hehe. You ARE on a roll. I should send my goat milk your way and you can make my soap. I haven't had the time to make any myself in a few months.
