
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homemade Apple Chips

These are a wonder snack.

this makes about 25 chips
1 large Granny Smith apple
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 225 degrees F.  Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
Using a mandolin, slice the apples as thinly as you can.  Mix the sugar and the cinnamon in a shallow bowl and dip the apple slices lightly in the mixture, just lightly coating them.  Lay the slices on the baking sheets, about 12 slices per sheet.  Bake for 1 hour.  Remove one pan at a time and flip the apple slices over with tongs.  When you return pans to oven, also rotate them - put the one that was on the top rack on the bottom.  Bake for one more hour.  Remove pans from oven. Apple slices will start to harden up pretty quickly.  Remove with tongs.  

I don't remember where I got this recipe from. I have had it save for a while. If it came from one of my blogger  friends please let me know so I can give you credit. It's to good of a recipe not to take credit for it.




  1. I can only leave a quick comment because I have to go make these right away lol I have all the ingredients and am dying for a snack, and they look so delish...come over and meet my goules, love to know what you think of them...this is the first in a series of 3...gotta go get me some snack.,

  2. Look yummy... Can I use other variety of apples for this recipe? Have you ever use other fruits for this recipes? Thanks for sharing me this recipe.

  3. Wow, how easy is this and it looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing Michelle! :)

  4. I've been waiting for our grocer to get organic granny smith apples in. For some reason they are very hard to find this year. All of the orchards here spray, and I don't have adult fruit trees here. I'll have to keep this recipe.

  5. Great idea, I can almost taste them just from looking at your gorgeous photo. It's almost apple season here so a trip up the hill to the orchards is in order soon.

  6. The recipe sounds good and your apples look so pretty! Must try!

  7. Yum ! Your family must love all your recipes !!

  8. Those sound delicious and they look so pretty too! Bet they make the house smell heavenly!
