
Friday, July 26, 2013

My adventure in making Goat Milk Soap

 This is a picture of  Heidi  with one of Jan's goats. Jan has a great little homestead with cats, bees,chickens,turkeys, geese, and of course goats. Jan and Fred also live in an 100 year old farm house with a huge garden in the back. I hope to post  about it another day. Today I wanted to talk about my adventures in making soap. This was my first time making soap and Jan's second time. So we decide to use a recipe from Our Half Acre Homestead on You Tube. Which I have to tell you is a great channel to watch. She is a lot of fun and very down to earth.  Anyway, things were going pretty good. We picked out our molds.

 Jan got lucky at a yard sale and got a big bag full of soap molds for 25cents each. I loved the little goat one (on the far left). After the molds were chosen we started melting our lard and following along with the video. Let me rephrase that: We did a lot of stopping and rewinding of the video. They always seem to move faster than real life.  Jan added the lye and water together and waited 5 minutes like it said. We then added the goats milk. What she didn't tell us at first was that the oil can't be more then 10 degrees hotter then the lye. Our oil was 30 degrees hotter then our lye so we tried to wait. Only problem was our lye started to trace. Which left us with no choice but to add the oil. Then to make matter worse we learned our stir stick didn't hit the bottom of the pitcher; if all else fails, grab a spoon. We only had time to do a few stirs before it started to get real thick. So we quickly poured it into the molds.
 As you can see from the top right of the picture, it looked as if it was separating. We decided to check to see if the mold on the bottom of the picture was doing the same thing. As is shown by the spoon print in it. Several of our other molds looked like they were also separating. So what to do? We just poured them back into the pitcher and tried to stir it up more. Can you say bad idea!
 This is what we ended up with. The stirring wasn't helping, so we just poured it into a pan and pressed it down.
 Now for the funny part. The soap turned out fine. Even the stuff we poured in the pan turned out. We just paniced a little bit. Ok, maybe a little more then a bit.
 I learned two important things that day: one, no more then 10 degrees difference between the lard and the lye mixture. Two, no matter what happens it's always a good time  with a great friend by your side.
This is my box of the goat soap. Now all I have to do is be patient for four weeks. I am so looking forward to using it. Will I make this again? YES! Even with the mishaps I had a great time. Besides don't they say "practice makes perfect"?


  1. I have never attempted soap beacause I'm afraid of the lye! Looks like it came out okay in spite of the mishaps! :)

  2. One my list of things to do! I am determined sometime this year. Still trying to buy everything I need!
    Love the goat mold!

  3. That's great! I love the goat soap too. I found we can get the lye from our beer brewing supplier. We can get it through farm supply too but I think you have to jump through hoops and be checked out before you can have it. It's used in meth and this is a big meth producing area. My friend's goats are pregnant so after all is said and done I'm going to see if I can get some milk and try this myself.

  4. My daughter makes our goat's milk soap for us. The first batch turned out like that last bit you have, but she simply pours it in a plastic bag lined shoe box. She cuts it into bars. I use the unscented kind to grate for my homemade laundry soap. I love it.

  5. Oh, my! There you go being marvelous! The soap looks so pretty! My daughter has very dry skin and bought some soap made from goat's milk once and it really helped her skin!
    You'll have to let us know how you like it. I love the cute bar with the goat on it.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Love the goat soap mold!!! I haven't used goat's milk to make soap yet, but those are my plans - if Ruby will cooperate!

    Sounds like you were using cold procees, haven't tried that one yet. Yours looks lovely!

  7. That soap looks great! It is so tricky that I have never tried it myself. I love the mold with the goat on it, too!

  8. Looks great!
    I've featured YOU on the Creative Home & Garden hop at Back to the Basics! Come on over and share another post with us today!

  9. Gorgeous Soap
    Natural handmade soap for sale. Buy homemade goat milk soap for smooth, soft, silky skin that feels youthful and rejuvenated. Best goats milk soap online

  10. Thanks, for such a great post. I have tried and found it really helpful. For more details to visit Handcrafted Lemongrass Glycerin Soap.
