
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I am back and busier then ever

 I was gone for about two weeks. I spent several days with Heidi. We text or talk a lot on the phone.But it's a rare treat to be able to spend time together since she moved away. We always have such a great time together,it's a little sad when I have to go home. I got to see the babies again. Heidi showed me how to milk. There's a lot more to it then just milking them.
I love these little babies. Their little tails would wag out of control when I fed them. It was so cute. Moony loved to stick his head into my belly and push on it when he wanted to be petted. I could just bundle them up and take them home. Unfortunately Heidi knows where I live and will show up gun in hand." I am not kidding, believe me this would happen . Friend or not."
 The day after I got home we headed to Vegas for my mom's 75th birthday. We pretty much took it easy at my parents house. Before leaving my mother and I went to Wal-mart. They honor other stores ads. So we were able to get tomatoes 5 pound for a dollar and peaches 3 pounds for a dollar. I end up being home 25 pounds of tomatoes and 12 pounds of peaches. Only to discover some of my tomatoes were also ready to can. Not to mention my carrot were yelling to be frozen.
So the next couple of days were spent canning. I end up with 35 pounds of canned tomatoes, 6 quarts of peaches, and 5 quart bags of carrots. There is always so much to do after returning home. My poor garden is next. I am sure the weeds are taking over. Have a great day everyone.  I am off to clean the chicken coop.


  1. What fun to get to go visit with Heidi and to get to spend time with your mom! That was some great prices on the produce, nothing is that cheap here!

  2. Sounds like you have a real bounty there! I wish our garden did something this year, other than pumpkins and lettuces.

  3. Glad you had so much fun. You sure put up some good food.
