
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Month to Month Gardens

 While playing in Blog Land I found a post about taking a picture of your garden every month so you can see the growth in your garden from month to month. The is my first posting of my two gardens. I am a little late I know . It's just been so busy here. As you will notice my raised bed garden is farther along.  It was started earlier, plus it had the honor of having plastic covering from the cold weather.
This is the gate to my side garden. We put up deer fencing this year,since last year we lose all our tomatoes and zucchini to their hungry appetite. Rick made it big enough so that I would be able to get my wheel barrel inside.
                                         Spaghetti Squash, I planted 10 but a gopher got one of them. 
                                                              Cucumber Bushes
                                                              Mexican Pepper

I planted beets but they didn't come up. So Last week I planted Amish Pumpkins in it's place.

                                                   Rosemary that made it though the winter.
 This is the teepee that hopefully my beans will be growing up. The three pots are some of my tomatoes. 
                                                        This is one of my bean plants
 This is the fence for my peas. Sorry you can't see them. But they have started coming up.
My apple tree. The blooms got blown off. That's ok, I just so happy how well it is fulling out. Next year it should bare fruit.

 This is my raised bed garden. It's starting to look so good. I am hoping to add  more beds this year.
                                                          These are my Radishes.
                                                               Roma Tomato plants

                                                                    Red Cabbage
                                                       Red Cabbage, Lettuce and Spinach

                          I am lucky to have this little bit of Potatoes left after the squirrel got done.

                                   I really need to learn how to spread out my Carrots better.
          We are taking my windmill apart to repaint it. The plant under Rick is my Artichoke heart plant.
 My Crab Apple tree right outside the garden is doing great. Well that my garden at this time. Hopefully I will be able to see a lot of changes by next month.


  1. Your garden is really coming together! Happy harvesting :)

  2. You have a crab apple! I'd love to have one and a couple of paw paws.

  3. Hey therе! I ϳust woulԁ like to give yοu a hugе
    thumbs uр for the exсеllent
    іnformаtion уou haνe got
    hеre οn this ρoѕt. I’ll be сomіng back to yοur site foг moгe soon.

    My weblog - garden
