
Monday, April 22, 2013

YES I am whining and moaning

 I was woken up late last night by my husband dog whining at our bedroom door.  Honey your dog is whining. You might want to see what's wrong. At which he rolls over and pulling the cover off me. She's fine. She just wants in the room.  It which point I grab the cover back and ask if he wants me to let her in. No, she is ok where she is at.  Great this from a man that can sleep thru a tornado. Needless to say, all night long I was woken up by whining and scratching at the door.
Morning breaks with soft sunlight shining thru the sliding glass doors. Right into my eyes.Nothing like being blinded in the early morning hours.  I throw the covers over my head already felling the bad day coming on. Thru the covers I hear ." You ready to get up. " Sure I am always ready to get up after 3 hours sleep. Ok Michelle take a deep breath.
 After breakfast I walked outside to find the yard hadn't been cleaned up from the dogs for a couple of days. So I started doing it. ( The point here is, this is my husband job. ) Did I get a thank you  NO. I got ," There's a spot over there you missed.
Asked my husband a question and instead of just answering it. I get the run around version. Don't you just love those types of conversations.
 My daughter  always starts her laundry but leaves it for Mom to finish. This time when I removed it from the washer there were 5 dryer sheets with it. When I asked her about it she told me it was in the basket with her dirty clothes. What is going on in that head of her's. Went  to get our clothes off the line only to find the wind had blown my portable clothes line down. Two loads of clean laundry laying in the dirt. Don't you just love having to redo wash?
At this point I need to calm down. The best place to do that is in my garden. You won't believe what I found out there. That damn squirrel ate the tops off all my lettuce. I swear he is taunting us. He sits at the edge of the yard and just laugh at us. We have tried several times to trap him. He's to damn smart for his own good.
Just read thru what I have written so far. I am acting like that whinny person that drives me crazy. So I'll stop right here, before your ears start bleeding.
I see a glass of wine in my future. Hope your having a great day. Someone needs to.

My daughter just handed me my sneakers. One tip before I go. Never tell your child that they are in charge of making sure you work out. It's like giving them permission to torture you.



  1. Oh Honey, bless your heart!! A day in my life sorta! I too am always thrilled to jump out of bed after 3 hours sleep!!!!

  2. Don't we all have those domino affect days, it would be nice to have the domino with really cool good stuff once in a while..what a treate. Not enough sleep, I'm relating to flashes...and before I can uncover I get cold on/off...oh bother....what's a mother to do? right?
    make that 2 glasses of wine...and I'll be right over.

  3. Uh oh, sounds like you need a "do over" for this day. Hope your Tuesday is better.

  4. I so feel your pain and it sounds as if you live with me! Whew, take a deep breathe and a nap. I hope your day goes ya

    1. A nap would be great. Just to slide into the sheet and block out the world. Unfortunately work still awaits me.

  5. And this too shall pass! Oh my....maybe you could point out that redoing or finishing laundry & cleaning up after the dogs is exercise. But you will be glad to turn those jobs over! Hope your day is going better today!

  6. I hate days like that! Have you thought of squirrel hunting? I hear they taste good.

  7. My husband was finally able to shoot him this morning with the BB gun. Only no BB came out of the gun. So all I heard all day was how he is buying a high powder BB gun. I hope he gets the squirrel really soon. It is becoming a obsession with him.

  8. Michelle,

    Sounds like quite a battle with the squirrel.

    And haha on the telling your child he/she is responsible for making sure you work out....another tip...never tell them to stop you when they see you snacking. Same theory!

    Have a great day.....catch that squirrel!


  9. It sounds like the squirrel is winning! Yikes!
    I hope you had a better day today! :)

  10. Oh no. I hope your garden flourishes. Hope your day is better.
