
Monday, April 29, 2013

Where does the time go ?

My busy weekend in pictures.

                                                      Side garden is in for the season.
                                                    Teepee for the green beans.

                                                       Working on my flower beds.

                           Using a tip from pintrest.  Vinegar and dawn to get rid of soap scum.
                            Homemade laundry soap, dish soap and Fabric softener for Abigail .

                                         Tony teaching Rick how to dress a turkey.

                                               Lip balm and  Foot moisturizer.
                                           Finishing quilt for Abagail's new baby boy.

                                                      Making new chicken roost .
      Sand box under roost makes it easy to scoop out.  The white box is for sweeping out the floor. Just sweep in box and deposit into compose.
                            Added rebar to my clothes line so the wind doesn't tip it over.

                                Trying to finish wash. But it just keeps replenishing it's self.

                       Strawberry pie from a recipe off of My Simple Country Living blog.
                                                               Made more Homemade bacon.

                                               First out door fire of the season .

                                                 Patio uncovered and ready for summer .

                      Steak, shrimp,stuffed potatoes, grilled zucchini, and garlic bread .  YUM!!! And can't forget the wine.


  1. Oh my goodness, what a busy weekend you had. I love your photos.. so random. Lip balm and bacon! LOVE!
    Hope you have a great week :)

    1. It was suppose to be a lotion bar.( found on Pintrest) But after looking on You Tube I found out I was really making lip balm in a bar shape. Still worked out. I had lip balm containers. I also put some in a bee jar. Believe it or not, it works great for the heels of your feet. Just rub it on ( it doesn't take much ) and throw your socks on. Who know.

  2. Phew! I got tired just reading that! That bacon looks amazing, by the way. I was just watching a couple of videos about making your own dish & laundry soap and I think I'm gonna give it a shot. I'm sick of paying a small fortune for the stuff. The quilt is just beautiful. One more thing I've always wanted to do but never had the time. Maybe now is the right time to start, eh?

    1. It really doesn't take a lot of time to make your own. My dish soap takes about 2 minutes. The laundry soap take any where from 10 minutes to 25 depending on if your making dry or liquid. Hand soap is about 10 minutes.
      The bacon is amazing. We don't buy from the store any more. We have gotten spoiled on the homemade stuff.

  3. Well you really did have a busy weekend, Michelle! It looks like you got alot accomplished! We have so many little projects started and finding the time to finish them is another thing!


    1. Don't let this post fool you. I have a long list of unfinished projects.

  4. You really accomplished a lot! Good job.

  5. You had a busy weekend!! Wow!!

    1. At the end of the weekend it was nice to just grill and relax.

  6. Michelle, Can't you find something to do? Just tell yourself get up off the couch and move (jk laughing)...My gosh girl I am amazed at all that you have done and I sure would like to have accomplished half as much! Great post as always!

    1. LOL I tell my self a lot to get my butt up off the sofa. I finally listened to my self.

  7. I feel like such a slacker after seeing all you guys got done! I absolutely adore that little quilt and the new nesting boxes for the chickens really turned out nice! :)

    1. Thanks Candy. I was really happy with the way the quilt turned out too. Rick did a great job on their boxes.

  8. Looks like you guys will be ready for the summer! Off to a great start!


    1. Now I just have to wait and see if everything we planted came up .

  9. Wow! You guys have been so busy. I love the bean teepee, wish I was there for the strawberry pie, and I love the baby quilt.

    1. Thanks, Hopefully the teepee works like we hope.
