
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dolly is also having a give away

   This is the book Dolly is giving away in honor of David  Morrell. He will be featured on her site. He is a NY Best Seller Author. Just head over to  to sign up to win. Dolly also has a cooking web site and a Design web site. You can reach them both  from her hibiscus house. All of them are worth checking out. I have made several of her recipes . And this fall I will be giving away one of her aprons from her design site.
David Morrell
The Master of High Action Thriller
NY Times Best Selling Author
So here's your  chance to win a book from Dolly and prizes from my bingo game. Two for one. Who could ask for more. OK,Ok , We could all ask for more. But it's a start.


  1. Thanks Michelle, I hope everyone will come over and enter, It would be nice for him to know that we bloggers would like to read a book...I have more authors lined up soon and I love Michelle and her blog...

  2. I saw that post. I'll be over to check it out.

  3. Thanks for the heads up! I follow Dolly's cooking site and I love it! :)
