
Thursday, June 21, 2012

chickens update and garden.

This is the new garden we put in this year. It is doing really well. My husband has to cut down the weeds around it. I have corn, tomato, beans, punkin, watermelon , and rosemary planted in it.

The chickens are back together. They are not pecking each other. But they won't leave the hen house. We have a dog run connected to the coop,so they will be safe. I can't blame them for being afraid. We won't be letting them out into the fenced area until we put up a 6 foot fence. Hopefully it will be high enough that dogs can't jump it. 


  1. I don't know if this will help you any, but we covered the top of our fenced chicken area with plastic chicken fencing...So they are totally enclosed, but we can still walk into it. Our dogs got our chickens last year and killed all of them...argh! One was bitten but I think the others panicked and ran themselves to death in the Miss. heat. This coop, new double fencing, so far, safe chickens.

  2. Michelle --- and Greg and Donna --- it's good to read about the structures for chickens in the country, we have "backyard chickens" and will have to increase the structure security for the chickens once we move to our property. I believe we will also be building an enclosed structure, but will allow the chickens out during the day while I'm working the gardens, etc., nearby with our dogs who are farm dogs training to be with the chickens. But, rogue dogs from nearby farms are a real threat along with other critters eager to get to a chicken. Keep us posted! I can understand being very upset over the chickens being attacked, we really enjoy our chickens...they are a big part of our daily life.


  3. I am glad the chickens are back together. Your garden is just beautiful.

  4. Your garden looks wonderful; so glad the chicken situation is improving:)

  5. Hi! Just found your blog and became a new follower...I'm glad the chicks are doing better. Wow! What an ordeal they've been through! I look forward to coming back and reading future posts (:

    All my best,
    Michele xoxo

  6. Glad the chickens are all okay. I'm sure they will be skittish for awhile. Your garden looks wonderful.

  7. Love your garden, very neat and tidy! :)
    I'm glad the chickens aren't pecking each other and I can't say that I blame them for not wanting to go outside.
