
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sprucing up the front yard

 We spruced  the front yard this week. These flowers came back from last year. I can't wait for it to full in completely . They add a nice touch to our wagon wheel. 
 Rick picked these out during one of his trips to Home Depot. It's his candy store.
This was just the right touch for the front porch. Since taking this picture I added a few more flowers and a cast iron cat painted white. Every porch needs a cat.( at least in my world)


  1. Love all your flowers, very pretty! The best kind are the ones that come back from last year! :)

  2. It's looking great! I just love Spring, and want to put flowers everywhere. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Your flowers are pretty! Yes, every porch needs a cat!
