
Monday, March 19, 2012

Trash can potatoes.

I saw a video on u-tube for growing potatoes in a garbage can. It looked like fun. And besides what did I have to lose. I am always up for new things. It turned out to be pretty easy. Right up my ally. You get a trash can and put 4 to holes in the bottom. Sorry I don't have pictures. Once again the brain wasn't working. I really need to talk to it about  those afternoon naps. After you make the holes add some rocks. I just used some from my yard. Then add 4 inches of dirt. The stick was 4 inches,so I used it for a guide. after adding the dirt place 3 starter potatoes in the can then place an inch to an inch and a half of soil over it. Again no pictures. I beginning to think my brain tends to wander from home.  Ok Michelle back on track. After the potatoes are covered water really well. Then bungie cord plastic over the top. Put in a place where it will get lots of sun. After the weather warms up you can take the plastic off. Once the plant has grown 7 inches cover 4 inches of the plant with soil. leaving 3 inches. When it has grown to be 7 inches tall again cover 4 inches with soil. Repeat this possess till it reaches the top of can. Then let it grow. When the leaves turn brown and fall over,just dump the can over to get the potatoes. You should get 50 to 60 pound of potatoes.
Now I remember to take a picture .Go figure!


  1. I'm thinking we all ought to try the different methods: trash cans, straw bales, towers, etc. and compare our results. I've grown them in black plastic trash bags on the deck before! Amazing plants, aren't they?

  2. I agree. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  3. This is great, I might be moving and could take my potatoes with me! Would this work with sweet potatoes also? How often do they need to be watered? Thanks!
    BTW - I pinned this. I'm gonna have to look up that video too!

  4. Whoa, I am liking that idea! I love potatoes and this sound like fun

  5. Awesome Michelle!!! I am so proud of you! You are really stretching yourself into so many new gardening directions. This will be fun to watch its progress. I'm back. Sherry is home now.

  6. Yes Missy Shay it will work with sweet potatoes. Just like you would water it. if it was in the ground.

  7. I grow mine in 5 gallon buckets. I guess kinda like the trash can. I works well and I only harvest a bucket at a time when I need them!

  8. I tried this one year and it worked pretty well! Can't wait to see your harvest! :)

  9. This looks like a great idea! Looking forward to your harvest.

  10. What a goofy idea! Love it! Now I've gotta try it! Maybe I'll try this and Mr Baker's 5 gal bucket idea and see which works best for our family. Do you think it would work to add hay mulch each time rather than soil? Thanks for sharing!

  11. I honestly don't know. All the videos I watched just showed using soil. Clint Baker might know.

  12. Thanks for the tips...I'm gonna have to try this....and thanks for linking up at CountryMommaCooks and have a wonderful Sunday:)
