
Monday, February 13, 2012

Thoughts from my head

                                                         Times sure have changed.

Remember when you would meet someone along the street and say HI. If you do that now they look at you weird and move to the other side.

Remember sitting on the front porch visiting and enjoying the summer nights. Now we are held up in our homes,visiting via text messaging.

What ever happen to family dinners.Sitting around the table talking about our day. Now it's chow down in front of the TV or computer.

When my Mother said jump. I asked how high. Now kids just till they parents to shut up.

When did Ma'am and Sir become a dirty word?

Sunday dinners.The smell of pot roast and potatoes drifting from the open front door. Now a days it's the sight of the pizza truck or the smell of drive thru.

 Friends sitting around a kitchen table enjoying a visit around  homemade treats and coffee. Now it's a 4 dollar cup of coffee at Starbuck.

Letting our children play in the front yard with out worrying some one might take them.

Knowing there are people to help you in time of need. Not video taping it for U-Tube.

 When did being the bad girl become Ok?
 We have gained so much thru the years, But in some thing, sacrifice so much more.


  1. I used to be a waitress and when I first started serving coffee, it was $.35/cup and free refills.

  2. Times have changed so much. Just yesterday I bumped into a man, I said "I'm sorry sir". He looked at me really mean and said "don't let it happen again". I said, "God Bless you sir." I believe you can really tell that God's hand has been lifted off this nation. It's a sad state! Sorry I went on.
    On a better note sign up for my give away if you haven't:

  3. Times have changed, sadly. I am always happy to visit with the young people around here raised by farming/ranching families...they still say "Yes Sir and Yes Ma'am!" It offers hope for at least some of the younger generation!

  4. It's the parents. For one reason or another life has shifted to a very self centered point of view and it's filtered down to the kids. There is no time for family dinners because everyone is running to a different event an lots of people don't cook. Then look how parents are dressing their little girls, as if the elementary school girls were going to be in a music video. I'm sure our friend's think I'm horrible because when their kids come over I have no patience for disrespect or lack of manners, and I'm very vocal about it. If they don't like it, don't come over. That being said, the kids act differently here than they do at home. There are standards here.

  5. I couldn't agree with you more. I try to do as many of these things as I can and dinner is always at five. As for our neighbors, they never even come outside. They head straight indoors when they get home. When growing up my parents neighbors all hung out in our driveway almost every night. It was a wonderful place to grow up. Now we don't have that.

  6. So true! This makes me remember back around 1990 when my next door neighbor (and my best friend btw) would get together for morning coffee (after I took my son to school) and worked the crossword puzzle in the paper or play scrabble. What a perfect way to greet the day! Happy Valentine's Day! (reminds me that I should call Nancy!)

  7. Kathy. You are not horrible. I am the same way. Respect is big in my house.If more parents were that way the younger generation would be better off.

  8. how true! we talk about this so much in our things change..but good manners, respect for other people, love of God....those things never go out of style!
    human nature hasn't changed..we all seek love...human behaviors have.

  9. Sad, but true. We have been talking about this lately. With my teens in college, our eyes are open to the tragic decline of citizenship; heartbreaking.

  10. What a bummer that you didn't get to see One For the Money! Hope you get to the big city--but if you don't there is always netflix or redbox! :)

  11. Our world has changed. I wonder if it's because we all work and are so busy. Dads always worked but moms were home to bake those treats and make that pot of coffee. And correct and teach. Train up a child in the way he should go...
    Great post, thanks for sharing.
    Robin from the Roost

  12. Our world has changed. I wonder if it's because we all work and are so busy. Dads always worked but moms were home to bake those treats and make that pot of coffee. And correct and teach. Train up a child in the way he should go...
    Great post, thanks for sharing.
    Robin from the Roost

  13. Returning the Linky Love from Happy Hour Projects (also following you on GFC!)

    Thanks for dropping by!


  14. Hi, I've just discovered your blog, and felt compelled to add a comment after reading this post.

    Maybe you're living in the wrong neighborhood! All the homes in our neighborhood were built with front porches, so that we can sit outside on a warm winter, spring, or autumn evening (or a cool summer one - it's generally too hot during summer to be sitting outside for very long).

    I'm happy to let my 11 year old play in our front yard, or visit friends down the street, or go to the local pond. Yes, he's no longer five, but our neighborhood is full of children who play out in the yards.

    We eat dinner at the table 4 nights a week; one night, we go out for dinner to our favorite taco place, and two nights a week, my husband is working, so I'm more than likely to take our son to his favorite Chinese place for dinner.

    The world has changed, but it's not all bad. :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.
