
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine Challenge

This year I gave my Husband a challenge. I started thinking about past Holidays. And I realized the one I remember are the ones where we didn't have money. When we were first married we didn't have any extra money to burn. So for our first anniversary he took me on a over night camping trip. We went out into the woods and had cake and wine under the stars. Then slept in the back of his truck. That has always been my favorite anniversary. One mother's day  he made me dinner. Then disappeared up stairs. He ask me to come up. I walk in the bathroom and fell in love with him all over again. There were candles every where. (That explains the missing candles around the house) The tub was full of bubbles and a glass of wine. set on the edge of the tub. As he walked out, he hit the CD player and Kenny G  started playing. I was in heaven. And no kid dare knock on the door. My favorite Valentine was when I got my Opel ring. He took me out to dinner (which was a real treat back then) During the dinner he gave me my ring. It was a heart shape Opel surrounded by gold with three little diamonds. He had saved  very extra cent he could get his hands on to get me this ring. It took him almost  6 months. We are now married 22 years and I still wear that ring.   Those are the times I value more then any other . He has bought me many wonderful gifts and we have celebrated many  great holidays.  But I realized the ones where we didn't have money were the best. Those are the ones that stay in my memory So this year I told him we were going to do Valentines with out spending any money on each other. And no cards, that would be to easy. On my end I made his favorite breakfast. Bacon and Raisin Cinnamon French Toast with my homemade blue berry syrup. I added a strawberry covered in white chocolate  with two hears in dark chocolate to his plate. He so bet me at this challenge. After breakfast he handed me a love letter. Did I mention I LOVE this man.


  1. AHHHHHHHHH..That is so much more special than any old store bought card! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. how sweet and romantic really
    ...yes, love is a behavior!
    Happy valentines day!

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I am now following you:>

  4. That is precious! You are a very blessed woman :) Thank you for following me; I now am following your sweet blog! Happy Valentine's Day :)

  5. Wow, that is a precious gift! Priceless.

  6. A love letter? What a guy! I remember the years of having no money. (Not that we have a ton now...) but the gift I STILL have is two flowers my hubby made out of paper in a vase he made out of paper because he couldn't afford real ones. I always tell him those paper ones I've had for probably 11 or so years now...they've lasted way longer (and made me smile more!) than any vase of real flowers. :) Those heartfelt low or no cost gifts are the best!

  7. What a wonderful story and a LOVE letter, how cool!!
    I wanted to let you know that I froze some fudge leftover from Christmas and thawed it out for Valentines Day and it was just perfect! Thanks for the tip!

  8. What a great way to celebrate Valentines day. You have quite a husband there :o)

    Thank you for stopping by and following me. I am your newest follower.

    Have a great week.

  9. Hey Michelle, following you back through Linky Followers. Change your profile settings under your profile so others can reply back to your emails. Have a great day!

  10. Lovely idea. For my 30th I've asked for my man to draw me a picture, can't wait to see what he comes up with. Regardless of the outcome, I know it will be treasured. Rx

  11. What a great idea and lovely valentines!!
    Following you back!!

  12. THAT is the best way to celebrate Valentine's Day, Michelle. Forget all the fluffy stuff. It's giving from the heart that shows how much you love each other. Better hang on to that guy. He's a keeper! :)

    xoox laurie

  13. That is amazing! It's so funny how that works! You spend the broke years talking about the years when things aren't so hard, then when those years get here we talk about and remember how great those years were! My hubby and I are the same way! Always talking about the good ole days! We had a porch couch! LOL

  14. Oops, forgot to tell you I am following back from Crafty Zoo!

  15. Sounds like you've got a good man there! Thanks for sharing~ I'm following you back!~Angie

  16. I love your love! :) I hope that one day my hubby and I can have those stories and the fond memories of how we made it through the less than easy times!

    Kisses and Cupcakes

  17. What a great challenge and a sweet reminder that money does not equal love.

  18. Awwww! How lovely and wonderful. I think love is certainly shaped by tough times weathered together.

  19. Oh Michelle... How sweet was that? As you've already seen on my blog, I've got a keeper too. Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the sweet comments and also that I'm thrilled and honored that you put me on your blog list. You're a sweetheart and I'm so glad that you had such a lovely Valentines Day.

    Have an outstanding rest of the week!
