
Friday, February 10, 2012

My-sister-in-law Michelle's cake

  First off let me say this is the best cake I have had in a long time. But ,it is also the weirdest cake I have ever make. I wasn't sure it would turn out when I put it in the oven. I was happy to see it did.

                                                  RED VELVET PUDDING

1 package (12 oz) whole frozen raspberry (not in syrup) thawed.
1 package Devils food cake.(plus the ingredient to make it.)
2 cups boiling water
1 package ( 3 oz.) raspberry gelatin.
1 tablespoon cornstarch.
1cup choc chips or mini chocolate chip
powder sugar
1 tub of cool whip (thawed )                                                         Preheat oven to 350

In a 9 by 13 baking pan( lightly sprayed with cooking spray) spread out your raspberries. Mix the cake as the directions say on the box. Gentle spread the batter on top of the raspberries. In a small mixing bowl add the gelatin and cornstarch together and stir till well mixed . Add water and whisk till completely dissolved. Pour over cake batter. OK don't panic. I know it looks weird, but it will work out I promise. Cook 40 to 45 minutes. Knife should come out clean of cake batter. Let cool. Add choc chip,then sprinkle with powder sugar. Right before serving, place thawed cool whip on top of cake slices. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. this is what puts the cake over the top. For some reason it blends all the flavors so well together. You can use other fruits. My daughter loves the raspberries. My husband loves strawberry. It your choose.

 Just a little note. Very time I make a cake,I always end up taking some to work since there is only three of us. With this one there isn't any left to take to work.

                        These pictures were taken before I added the whip topping


  1. Thanks for following me on Linky Followers.....I'm following you back.... Power to the Linky:)

  2. Looks yummy! Raspberry and chocolate! Perfect for VDay.

  3. Hi Michelle! Thanks for dropping by and following. Am now following you too! That velvet cake looks sinful. I'll be thinking about it when I got to the gym tomorrow :)

  4. The cake looks wonderful! I'm following you back and thanks so much for stopping by, always like to make new friends!


  5. Love the combo of chocolate and raspberries! AND I love your plate! :)

  6. omg! raspberries!! seeing this I feel like breaking my diet.
    The virtual cat is super cute.
    I have a "delicious giveaway" - win a abataba jewellery on my blog.

  7. Thanks for coming over and following my blog Michelle, I am now following yours as well :) This looks super yummy! Thanks, now I am craving sweets!

  8. Hi Michelle!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and following through LF. I'm here, happily following back! Is there really anything better than raspberries and chocolate? The cake looks delicious. Putting it in my recipe files for sure!

    Have an awesome weekend!

  9. Hey, thanks for coming over to the Modern Parsonage! I'm following you now, too :)

  10. Hi Michelle...thanks for following...I'm following you back.
    Looking forward to the future.

  11. Hi Michelle! Thanks for stopping by my blog spot. I am following you through Linky Followers. This cake looks sooo good, I may have to try this really soon.

  12. Oh and I pinned it so I will be sure to try it. ;)

  13. My dad wants some of that cake! Oh, and he wants more information about what you said on my blog about google going away. Thanks!!

  14. Hi Michelle! Thanks for stopping by and giving me the nudge to get going on the new Linky Friends. I'm still working my way out of this flu bug so I've not been on the " puter " much this week, but, I got r done! You can follow me now!!!
    I'll have to try this cake when my tummy gets better!!!
    Have a great weekend! Hugs

  15. Thanks for stopping by and following. I am happy to follow along with you too . This cake lloks fabulous , I am going to have to give it a go :)

  16. This looks delicious Michelle. Thank you for linking with me via the Linky Followers party. Just returning the love. Happy Valentine's Day!

  17. This does look good! I put up the Linky thing- it took me forever to figure it out- not that it is hard, I just stess over changing things LOL.

  18. Oooh, this looks DELISH!

    Thanks for stopping by yesterday -- I'm returning the love as your newest linky follower :)

    Have a good weekend <3

  19. That cake looks awesome. I'm afraid it could be addictive. I came here by way of Linky and will be following you.

  20. Well this certainly looks like it's tasty! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new linky follower! Not Your Ordinary Agent
    Not Your Ordinary Recipes

  21. Hi Michelle thanks for following through LF,happy to follow back going to follow through GFC to,would love you to link this yummy cake up to my Creative Mondays hop which opens later :)

  22. a whole package of frozen raspberries and devils food cake....what a fabulous combination of flavors! I am going to try this cake. yum!!
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  23. Thanks for the recipe. I love Red Velvet Cake, gonna try this out.

  24. The cake looks wonderful! Thanks for stopping by am now following you too, Laura

  25. always love a new chocolate recipe! Thanks for stopping by at the blog hop! Love your cute blog!!

  26. looks yummy! following you on Linky Followers :)

  27. Hi, Michelle! Thanks for following - I'm following you back on LInky Followers!

    This pudding looks really interesting - going to try to make it gluten free...
    Ann @ Suburban Prairie Homemaker

  28. This cake does look delish! I just wanted to thank you for becoming my newest follower:) I love your blog and have added you to my Linky list!

  29. My mouth is watering just looking at the picture! Wow what a delicious looking cake. Thanks for linking up to the "Made From Scratch" Blog hop!
    Gonna make this for the next birthday party.
    The Way Grandmama Does It

  30. Hi! Yay!! So fun to see this cake is now famous!!! Bon Apetite!! Good idea trying strawberry -- will definitely have to try that! I wonder how it would taste to try the strawberry version with a yellow or white cake mix???
