
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Up date on Sabrina.

 I was going to write a post on my trip to Solvang. But I got so may wonderful comments on Sabrina and her health that I decided to up date everyone. Some times after having a seizure  Sabrina loses her memory. That was the case this time. It lasted about a day and a half. She didn't answer to her name. She acted as if she didn't know who we were. She is kinda  back to normal  now. Don't worry this one is not bad. It's sweet and cute. While in the possession of her old owner, he breed her while she was still  a young puppy and constantly bred her. Since we have gotten her we have not breed her. The first time she came in heat we keep an eye on her. Every thing went well. About the time the puppies would be born, she stole my daughter's stuffed cat. She would clean it ,carry it every where, and put it to her belly like she was feeding it.If you came near her ,she would put her paw on the cat to protect it. The only problem was she use to attack our other dog Tanna ( if she got near her and her baby.) Tanna has learned not to get to close.  And Sabrina now trust us and Tanna a lot more. No more attacks and we can pick up her baby.She follows us and waits for use to give it back. After about three weeks she will hide her baby till next time then bring it out. My daughter finally found her cat and hide it from Sabrina ( A dear friend gave her the cat) So we bought a few new stuffed animals for Sabrina. She picked the stuffed bear.  She has had the bear for two years now. She is still cleaning and trying to feed it. I guess we should give it a name. If you have any ideas for a name let us know. Thank you everyone for your prays and kind comments.


  1. Poor Sabrina! You could name the bear "Puppy"!

  2. The poor little girl. I'm so glad she found a new home with you and your family.

  3. Candy I never thought of that . It makes perfect sense. She treats it just like a puppy.

  4. Beyond my Kitchen Window. She is very happy here. Siberian Huskies are know to escape and run the neighborhood. Our last one did it all the time. This one has never even tried. When she is outside with us off the leash, she stays right with us.

  5. What a sweet girl she is...I vote for "Puppy" as well...I am about in tears just thinking about how tough her early years were and so glad she is blessed to have you now as her forever family.


  6. Michelle,
    I am so glad to hear she's doing better now. The other night your post had me worried, especially considering this happened right after you left my home and I was unable to reach you by your cell phone. I was afraid you were making a trip to the ER Vet in Bakes. So glad things are better. Hope you had a great trip to Solvang. We've got to get together soon.
