
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Maukie the virtual cat ( my new toy )

  This is a picture of my daughters cat. But I couldn't find the right picture and it wouldn't let me copy the picture of the widget. The widget I am talking about is the cat on the left column. If you run your mouse around him he will follow it. I have played with it every time I get on my blog.  I am guilty of getting on just to play with him. Hey, what can I say I am a kid at heart. It never hurts to feel young again. Thanks to Kathy I learned he purrs when you rub his belly with the mouse. SO CUTE! I just found out that if you run the mouse slowly between his eyes he MEOWS. Who knows what I will find next?


  1. Wow. That is so cool. I am going to get on your blog and play with him just as soon as I get back from class 2nite. Stay warm. It's freezing outside.

  2. And he purrs when you rub his tummy with the mouse! How cute!

  3. Kathy thanks for letting us know he purrs. I was playing with him and found out he meows when you go between his eyebrows. This is so much fun.

  4. CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! I LOVE cats!!! You will have to look under PARTIES on my blog and look at Miley's Birthday Party!!! It is TOOO cute!! I am your newest follower!!!
    ps...I am a HORRIBLE typest so my spelling is ALWAYS bad!!! ;)

  5. Thanks for visiting -- and many thanks for the explanation of the weird white lines in the photo!

    Your kitty kat widget is adorable and fun to play with. I have never seen anything like him.

  6. Now he is Swatting at my Mouse!!!! Both paws! I love this cat.

  7. OMG Michelle!! That is just too cute! I will have to play with your kitty every time I visit! :)

  8. I am learning new things about him all the time. If you touch his tail it moves. If you go between the eyebrows he meows. Heidi found out that if you run the mouse over his ears they wiggle. I am just waiting for him to jump off the page. LOL
