
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Super easy carmel sauce

Wow I got this from a friends post, I did not know this!!!!

"Been doing this for years! My mother taught it to me! Unopened can of sweetened condensed milk + 8 hours on low (completely submerged in water) in the crock pot + cool down in the fridge = Caramel! This is the best caramel I've ever had, let alone made! It's so easy! Need to try this! — 3 hours on the stovetop!"


  1. Michelle~ I just read several of your posts. I don't get time to check out blogs much anymore, but I love coming to see what you are up to. You are doing a great job! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog & your sweet comments. It is always lovely to hear from you. ;-)

  2. I wanted to try this was hesitant for some reason..I suppose it doesn't seem that this would be safe. But you did it and it's all good. Love caramel anytime.....thank you for sharing.

  3. Oh my goodness ~ sweet bliss !

  4. I think I should try this great idea. Thanks for sharing
