
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Garden Update

 Sorry my monthly update is late I honesty just forgot. Old age does that to you.  This was my garden last month. We were having a problem with the effects of the heat on my plants.

 This is what it looks like this month. The heat played a toll on it. But It still grow it's little heart out for me. Yes that's weeds you see. Between trips and every day life I haven't been able to get out there and weed. You can probably guess what I will be doing this weekend.
 My tomatoes are getting bigger now that the weather has cooled off.  We did get down to 58 degrees the other night. You can see the damage of the heat then cold on my leaves.
 The green pepper are loving the cooler weather we are starting to get. I got 4 lovely peppers off them yesterday.
 This is the last of my carrots. The rest are canned  and ready for  those winter meals.
                  My cabbage is ready to be picked and made into German red cabbage.
 Still getting lots of zucchini. I think my neighbors are  hiding from me . Time to go to parking lot and hide zucchini in unlocked cars. LOL
                           Onions are almost ready . The tops still need to turn a little browner.

These were harvested out of my garden today. I will be giving most of  the spaghetti squash away since I don't know a way of preserving it. If anyone knows of a way, please let me know.


  1. It looks like your garden is doing okay in spite of the heat! :)
    Last year, I cooked spaghetti squash, shredded it into 'spaghetti strands' and then froze it. It stayed good even after being frozen.

    1. Thanks Candy! I love spaghetti squash. I could eat it at every meal. Thank you so much for the tip!

  2. Wow... your squashes looks great! I like your plant containers on the stair, so stunning. Your garden is doing well. I want to plant purplish cabbage, but it's so difficult to grown well on tropical low land. Have a nice day

    1. You do need cooler weather to grow cabbage. Have you tried growing a plant inside. We have a mini Orange tree that we put out in the summer and bring in during winter.

  3. We put our spaghetti squash in the dehydrator until dry and crispy then stored it in bags in the cabinet.

    1. Do I cook it first or dehydrate it raw? That would be a great way to store it.

  4. Oh I am so jealous. All that bounty and delicious squash. I do wish I was your neighbor. I love spaghetti squash, and so far I cannot find it here at produce stands. I can't even find banana peppers. The weather has been tough in our area too. I did get some tomatoes this week.

  5. Wish you were too. That way I wouldn't have to look for unlocked car doors to get rid of the stuff. LOL
