
Thursday, April 4, 2013

This and that

                                      Homemade bread makes the house smell so good.
       Made biscuits and gravy for breakfest out of our homemade sausage and Candy's biscuit mix.
 Putting oil in a jelly mason jar makes it a lot easier when having to use measuring spoons.
                Rick made me a beautiful noddle drying rack. Think he might be hinting?
 Best made from scratch chocolate cake  I have ever made. And I have tried a lot of different recipes.
 I surprised my husband by making him English Muffins while he was at work. He loves them.
                                       I love it when my bread  dough rises so nicely.
                                      The girls loved the warm weather we have been having.

                                                 Have a great weekend  everyone.


  1. Great post!!! I like the way that homemade bread makes my house smell too! The cake looks yummy! My girls enjoyed the warm days we had earlier too.

  2. Yummy post! The cake is gorgeous & my tummy is growling from the picture of biscuits and gravy! Have a great weekend!

  3. You have been so productive girl. Your bread is so perfect. I have wanted to make English muffins too.

  4. what a busy gal you've been. Wish I were your neighbor as I'd be popping in quite often to sample all that delicious looking food! Yummy! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :0

  5. Michelle, you have been one busy lady! If we lived closer i would weigh 200 lbs...Looks good.

  6. Fun post and the biscuits and gravy look fabulous! My hubby likes when I make English muffins too.
    Uh, where's the recipe for the chocolate cake?!? ;)

  7. I do have to post that recipe. It's so good.

  8. I loved reading this post. It gave me a chance to catch up on what's been going on over at your place since you went back home. I love the noodle rack and want the recipes for the scratch chocolate cake and the sausage gravy please.

  9. Ooh english muffins! I'd love to make those! I really like your noodle rack. I haven't made noodles yet, but it's on my list. I so agree with your oil in the mason jar idea. Those blasted huge bottles of oil don't fit anywhere in my cupboards! :)

    I'd like to invite you to share this post and up to two others at Farm Girl Blog Fest #28, which is live right now. You would be a great addition to the wonderful posts that are shared!

    Farm Girl Friday Blog Fest #28

    Hope to see you there!
    ~Kristi@Let This Mind Be in You

  10. That homemade bread looks delicious! It is inspiring me to make some ♥
