
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Things I forgot .

I couldn't wait to be able to hang clothes out on the line. I was in such a hurry to do this, that I forgot a few things.

1)Never hang towels on the line. Not only will they take off the water after you shower ,but a layer of skin as well.

2) Shirts made from cotton will need ironed. If you hate ironing, use dryer.

3) Crawling into a bed made with crisp air dried sheets ( Heavenly) .

4) With dogs, I have to clean the yard before I can hang clothes.

5) Jeans don't shrink when dried on the line. 

6) My cats will try to get out as I bring in clothes.

Am I going to keep hanging clothes outside ? You Bet! I love the smell of air dried clothes. The pros so out weight the cons. I do have to confess. I rewashed my towels and dried them in the dryer. What can I say. I love my skin where it is.


  1. Lolol. Great post Michelle. I took notes for later. Have a good night.

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  3. If you add just a little more fabric softner to the wash and only line dry until they are almost dry and finish off in the dryer u can still get the air dried smell in your towels.

  4. Loved this post Michelle!! i love hanging out clothes too! Love that smell, so fresh and clean! i love seeing the clothes hanging on the line, so pretty!

    1. I think it looks pretty too. I do try to hide my unmentionable in the middle of the clothes line. There's somethings a girl just need to keep private. HA HA.

  5. I hang everything on the line...but I do fluff the towels in the dryer for about 10 minutes when I bring them in. That helps take care of the "abrasive" quality! We haven't been able to line dry yet because of the high pollen counts....but its a comin'.

    1. I will be trying this tip also. Thanks so much.

  6. Cute post. I too had forgotten how rough towels are when hung on the line. Enjoyed this as all of your posts Michelle.

  7. Thanks Dolly. I feel the same way about your post. I so enjoy visiting your bogs.

    1. I love hanging clothes on the line!

      We do use the dryer for the jeans and towels after they are lined dry for about 10 minutes. Helps soften them up.
      Enjoyed visiting your blog!

  8. I love hanging on the line and can't wait for hubby to put up a clothesline for me now that we have a yard to put one in. I have learned, though, to hang colored t-shirts inside out. If not the sun will fade the color. Or at least here in the deep south it will, lol.
