
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dreams of a guest bedroom

 I so wanted this lamp for my guest bedroom. It was $300 dollars. Had to go home and think about it. Decided to go back and get it. Only to find it had been sold.  That will teach me not to hesitate next time.
I saw this at the Pioneer Village Museum . The whole place is set up like a little town. I am hoping my talented husband can recreate it for me. It would look great in the door way.
Sorry the picture is bad. I saw this 2 years ago for $345. I felt it wasn't worth that amount. So I walked away. But the lamp never left my thoughts. I was so happy to see it again for $135. Needless to say it went home with me. I have always wanted a Victorian guest bedroom. I have the bedroom set and vintage pictures in storage .  I just need my hanging oil lamp  and rugs. Oh, There is one more thing. The last child to move out of her room. 


  1. Wow, $135 was waaayyy better than $345! It was meant for you to have. :)

    1. I believe it was . She had lowered it several times in the two years. I was so surprised to see it for sale and at that price. There as so few left that haven't been electrified.

  2. "There should be pictures of food in the dining room and landscape in the living room," says my daughter, who is just starting her interior design course at our local university. So I asked her to browse to on the computer.
    There she can choose good canvas prints to be made from a vast choice of Western art and she picked this one of fish by Braque, for the dining room.
