
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring time for babies.

Aren't they cute. I love seeing all the new born. These are are Heidi's first chicks to be hatched. She has one more hen laying on 12 more eggs. Can't wait to see what hatches.

                                             They love riding on Mom's back.
                                                 Jan's new baby goats:


                        So cute. I loved playing with them. Still trying to talk my husband into one.

                                             This one really loved the taste of my hair.


  1. This is a fun post. Love all of the animals. I hope your hubby will agree to you having cute little goat.

  2. We had twin bucklings last Friday. Yep...spring babies are arriving. So cute too.

  3. This post really made me smile!! Love watching new chicks with their Mama! So sweet!!

    Yes, get a goat!! They are awesome, entertaining, full of personality, and just plain fun to be around and watch!!

  4. Oh, my gosh, baby farm animals are so sweet. A sure sign of spring. :-)

  5. Ha! I've never seen our chicks ride on the mama's back. Those must be special trick chicks. Our baby goats are that cute, though. And they can holler real loud when they decide they've had enough holding.

  6. I have Nigerian Dwarf goats too. They are wonderful! I hope your hubby lets you get two of them. Two is good, one is bad. One goat is very lonely, and gets into trouble. Two is much better! :)
