
Thursday, October 11, 2012

New chicken coop

This is the last time you will be see this coop. I am so excited to be getting a bigger  coop. We plan on using half of it for chickens and the other half for storage. And the best part is the feed will be inside. No more birds eating all my pellets. YES!
  Jerry not only came over to help ,but also brought his tractor. He's not only a great friend but on this day he was our shinning hero on a tracker.

 The tracker made it a lot easier to move the chicken coop. When I say it's heavy,I mean HEAVY. I took 4 big men to move it the first time.
It took a couple try to balance it in the shovel.
 I thought for sure it was going to tip over. But it didn't.
 We are going to clean it up  and paint it. I plan to sell it on Graig's list. Who ever buys it had better have strong friends.

 Next they leveled the land. The tractor was a great help here. It would of taken 4 times longer by hand.
Rick only had to do a little shovel work.
 Once again Jerry came thru . He had some pallets at home that he let us use.Which made the floor come together really quick.

 The walls went up next. We bought a rubber made shed so that when we moved we could take it with us.
They had to cut a few branches,so they could put up the roof.
The guys worked really hard. But so did Heidi and I. We made sure they had cold glasses of water and took these pictures. We even went and bought them lunch. Plus there was needle work that had to be done ,while we watched ma and pa kettle in The Egg and I.  We worked hard !You would be surprised how exhausting hand and eye coordination can be.
 I love having two doors. We are putting a dividing wall up to separate the shed. One door will go to the chickens and one will go to storage.
 Rick ran out of time so we had to redneck it. The card board boxes worked as a divider till he could get the walls up. A card board box was used as a nesting bed. They had to spend two night in a large dog carrier while we did this. So I wanted them in a bigger place as soon as possible.
 Finally done. No more card board. Oh,wait I see the card board box under the nesting boxes. Guess we are still a little redneck.


  1. This is the first time I have seen the inside done. It sure turned out great. No more stooping over that HEAVY coop or lifting the lid. I am so happy for you and your ladies Michelle.

  2. Hi Michelle, I'm Anne from Life on the Funny Farm ( visiting from the Farmgirl Friday blog hop.

    This is great! You must be so happy to have this wonderful space. I've just been re-doing some of my chicken spaces, as well, but nothing this grand.

    Anyway, it’s nice to "meet" you. I hope you can pop over to my blog and say hi sometime if you get the chance.

  3. Looks wonderful! Love your layout and inside set up.

  4. I'm so jealous, I would love to have some chickens! Someday when I retire to the country...

  5. Hi Michelle! Yay! Looks like a great coop and what a nice friend to help so much. Thanks for popping in to see me and have a great weekend.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. They will have so much more room! I do think your old coop is adorable. I'm sure you won't have trouble selling it.

    1. It never made it to Criags list. I sold it to a friend. She has loved it since the first time she saw it.So It found a good home.
