
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Surprised Harvest

Last year we tried growing watermelon . They never got ripe. So I was so happy to see this little guy hiding in the corn field.  
 He was so sweet and good. I was able to harvest 3 ripe melons for us. The deer got the other 4. I did all the work and they got more melon. Something seems wrong with that picture.
I thought my green beans were slowing down, as you can see I was wrong. This may sound wrong . But I wish they would stop. I am so tired of canning green beans. My green onions are on the right of the picture. I still have a lot that need harvest,so I guess I had better close and go do it.  Have a great weekend every one.


  1. Michelle, you really have a green thumb! Makes me hungry.

  2. Wow, good work. I wish my single, tiny watermelon would have ripened. The beans look great. Keep canning!

  3. We planted fall beans, but haven't gotten any from them yet. I don't have any put up yet. I'm so jealous.

  4. I know how you feel, only mine is summer squash! LOL!!
