
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saturday harvest

This is our early morning  loot. I had to work so my husband blanched and froze  the carrots for me.  When I got home we were able to pick a another big bowl full of beans.
We weren't able to get them canned till 10:45 tonight.  I still have 30 ears of corn  to can. I think that will wait till after church tomorrow. I am to tired to even think about it tonight. This is the time a year it seems you never get ahead. Does anyone have recipes for preserving watermelon? I would love to be able to save it. I have 10 watermelon still in the garden.


  1. Look at all the nice carrots. That's something I have never been able to grow, being on almost all rock. The pumpkins are adorable- eating or decorating?

    1. Some are for eating and the smaller ones are for fall decorating.

  2. Wow, just lovely vegetables...
    Have a nice day.

  3. Quite a haul! :)
    It does seem like we can never quite get ahead of the produce, huh?

  4. I caned 30 ears of corn last night. It did 15 pints.
